Key figures for the energy sector
Electricity generation in Portugal:
Accounting for a share of:
of RES integration
(According to the methodology of EU Directive 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 11 December 2018, on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources).
In 2022, Portugal was the fourth country in the EU-27 with the highest share of renewable energy sources in electricity production, around 20 percentage points above the European average. In 2023, the production of electricity from renewable sources was 37.102 GWh, corresponding to 65,3% of the total gross production plus import balance of electricity (and 61,8% according to the methodology of the aforementioned EU Directive 2018/2001).
In 2022, final energy consumption was:
Of which approx:
Electricity consumption per capita corresponds to 4,7
Looking by sector of activity, Industry and Services were the sectors responsible for the largest shares of electricity consumption in the country, followed by the Domestic sector responsible for 28 per cent, with the Agriculture and Fisheries and Transport sectors having residual percentages.
Portugal’s energy dependence is:
With an increasing trend from 2020, in contrast to the trend observed in previous years.
As for the relationship with the climate, with a total value of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of:
Total emissions from the energy sector corresponded to:
With a consistent decrease, especially since 2017.
Sources of data, statistics and indicators for the sector