Home > Eventos > ELECPOR took part in “Energy in Debate” on ‘Decarbonising Iberia – a joint plan’
ELECPOR took part in “Energy in Debate” on ‘Decarbonising Iberia – a joint plan’

ELECPOR took part in the recent edition of Energy in Debate, organised by Future Energy Leaders Portugal and the Portuguese Energy Association.

Moderated by Luísa Amorim from FELPT, ELECPOR’s Managing Director, Maria João Coelho, together with Daniela Ribeiro, DNV, Pedro Furtado, REN, Ricardo Nunes, OMIP, debated topics related to:

– the energy transition in the Iberian Peninsula, whether we are on the right path towards climate neutrality, what the right energy mix is and what measures are needed to achieve the targets set;

– the importance of creating MIBEL and taking stock of what has been achieved and the challenges ahead, as well as the importance of energy markets for the energy transition and decarbonisation of the Iberian Peninsula;

– the role of flexibility and measures to promote the use of flexibility to guarantee the balance of the electricity system and security of supply.

Some points highlighted by ELECPOR were:

– Key pillar: Security of supply, storage and flexibility

Necessary actions in the context of the energy transition and decarbonisation path:

– Launch capacity remuneration markets, with coordination between Portugal and Spain, to ensure that backup technologies, thermal, hydro and other storage technologies, are viable and available when needed, and thereby resolve resource adequacy problems identified in the RMSA-E 2023 (National Electricity System Security of Supply Monitoring Report for the 2024-2040 period).

– Strengthen the system services markets (both in terms of balancing services and local flexibility associated with congestion management), ensuring as a basic principle that all system services are contracted according to competitive, open and transparent market mechanisms that are technologically neutral.

– Strengthening network capacity: greater intelligence and modernisation of networks is essential, but expansion is inevitable.