The future of electricity towards a decarbonised, accessible and secure energy system.
Watch the recording of the conference.
ELECPOR held its 13th annual meeting on 4 June under the theme ‘Future ON’. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the association, the event featured three speakers: Lucila de Almeida, Co-Director Regulatory Delivery, Florence School of Regulation – FSR Energy, Coordinator NOVA Law Green Lab – Faculdade de Direito Universidade Nova de Lisboa, who addressed the challenges of electrification in the context of the energy transition; Kristian Ruby, Secretary General of EURELECTRIC, who presented the ‘Grids4Speed’ study; and Pedro Carvalho, Full Professor at IST, who addressed the future of electricity, towards a clean/decarbonised, affordable and secure energy system.
Clara Gouveia (INESC TEC), Jorge Esteves (ERSE), Filipe Pinto (DGEG) and Pedro Ribeiro (Movhera) participated in the first round table, moderated by journalist Pedro Pinto, on the importance of generation and distribution for security of supply.
In the second round table, moderated by journalist Pedro Pinto, Ana Rita Antunes (Coopérnico), Joana Freitas (EDP), David Pantoja (Iberdrola) and Maria João Coelho (ELECPOR) discussed the future of electricity, towards a clean/decarbonised, accessible and secure energy system.
Watch the recording of the session