Associação Portuguesa das
Empresas do Sector Eléctrico

paths to
the future

At ELECPOR, we are committed to being an active and representative voice for the national electricity sector, aiming to be a reference in the promotion of electrification, leading the energy transition towards a sustainable, innovative and inclusive future.

Electricity Sector Data in Portugal

4 162,9 M €

GVA – Gross Value added (2022)
of the sector (Electricity, gas, steam, hot and cold water and cold air) (source: INE)

1,7 % GVA

of the sector(Electricity, gas, steam, hot and cold water and cold air) in GDP (2022, current prices 2022) (source: INE and DataLabor)

15.882 Pax

Staff employed by companies in the sector (source: DataLabor)


Elecpor Events
“Future ON” ELECPOR Annual Conference 20 Years

The future of electricity towards a decarbonised, accessible and secure energy system.

Watch the recording of the conference.

European Commission
State of the Energy Union 2024 Report

On 11 September, the European Commission published the ‘State of the Energy Union 2024’ report, which presents the challenges and progress made in the European energy landscape over the past year.
The report highlights the EU’s progress on energy security and the transition to clean energy, despite geopolitical crises. It recognises challenges such as energy poverty and the need for more ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency targets, and calls for greater coordination between Member States to achieve climate and energy goals by 2030.

Comissão Europeia
‘The future of European competitiveness’ Mario Draghi’s Report

Launched on 9 September, Mario Draghi’s report addresses several important transformations that Europe needs to face in order to maintain its global competitiveness. The energy sector is seen as a central pillar in guaranteeing Europe’s future competitiveness, requiring a coordinated effort in innovation, sustainability and public policies to ensure both energy security and economic growth.

Part A | A competitiveness strategy for Europe’ is available as a PDF file. For more information see ‘Part B | In-depth analysis and recommendations’ at this link.


ELECPOR is the Portuguese representative at Eurelectric, the federation of the European electricity industry, a member of its Board of Directors and an active participant in its working groups.
